Friday, August 22, 2008

Final Requirement

For your final requirement, each student must come up with an actual case study about the social institution assigned to you during the graded recitation. Compile your case studies as a group and put it in a long clear book.

Case studies may be lifted (copy & paste) from internet sources, magazines, other thesis; case files of social workers or psychologists but please cite the sources using accepted bibliographic formats.

Examples of case studies:

1. Family - The story of an extended family; story of an abused child; story of a battered wife; cases of OFW's

2. Government - the case of the ZTE deal (get the train of newspaper articles); story of a political dynasty; story of conflicts among politicians; etc

3. Religion - stories of cults (ex. Ecleo; Satanists, etc); stories of priests with children; stories of priests abusing boys or girls; story of Eli Soriano abusing a member; etc

4. Economy - case study of the rising price of oit products; case study of a successful economic project of a community; story of economic problems in the provinces; story about unemployment or informal employment structures (ex fishball vendor, labandera, etc)

5. Education - case of students who transferred from private to public; rape cases in campuses; quality of education; cases of UP Diliman and other SUC's regarding budget cut; cases of privatization efforts of state universities; commercialized, colonialized and repressive education proof and evidences; etc

6. mass media - ABS-CBN/GMA war; pornography; violence on television; internet ethical problems

Note: the cases that you will get must be factual and actual cases. If you get the series or articles, please get the train of articles and provide a summary of the whole story.

This is a group project but each student must work for at least one case. Each student will indicated on the case provided his or her name/ year and section/ and the bibliographical entry.

Due: Third week of September 2008



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